You can try the TODO List app here:

You are going to build the API backend for the TODO list app in this exercise. We have already done the front-end for you so you can see the effects of your API endpoints.

The source code can be found on Github:

Requirements / Specifications

Tables / Model


  • Attributes
    • content: format is string
    • completed: format is boolean; default value is false
    • timestamps: format is datetime
  • Validations
    • content: must be present; maximum 200 characters

API Endpoints

GET /tasks

  • Controller: tasks
  • Action: index
  • Description: return all tasks from database

POST /tasks

  • Controller: tasks
  • Action: create
  • Description: create a new task based on given parameters
  • Parameter: accept task object with content (i.e. { task: { content: "Hello"} })

DELETE /tasks/:id

  • Controller: tasks
  • Action: destroy
  • Description: delete a task identified by its object id
  • Parameter: accept task object id (i.e. /tasks/101234)

PUT /tasks/:id/mark_complete

  • Controller: tasks
  • Action: mark_complete
  • Description: update a task to change completed to true
  • Parameter: accept task object id (i.e. /tasks/101234/mark_complete)

PUT /tasks/:id/mark_active

  • Controller: tasks
  • Action: mark_active
  • Description: update a task to change completed to false
  • Parameter: accept task object id (i.e. /tasks/101234/mark_active)

Step-by-step Guides

Since we are not starting from scratch (instead, you are building on top of an existing repository), you can download / clone the project repo:

Before you clone, make sure you navigate to the folder you want this repository to download to.

$ git clone

Cloning into 'backendium_todolist_project'...
remote: Counting objects: 107, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (78/78), done.
remote: Total 107 (delta 4), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 19
Receiving objects: 100% (107/107), 27.13 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (6/6), done.
Checking connectivity... done.

Once, you have finished cloning, use $ ls and you should see the folder called backendium_todolist_project which is the repository we are going to use. Navigate into backendium_todolist_project.

Now, you can do another $ ls to see the file structures of backendium_todolist_project.

$ ls

Gemfile    app          config       db           log          spec         vendor
Gemfile.lock Rakefile     bin    lib          public       tmp

The file structure should look very familiar because all Rails projects follow the same conventions and folder structures.

Can we start the server $ rails s already? Well... try it. If it doesn't work, that's because we need to run $ bundle install to install all the Ruby dependencies /gems listed in Gemfile.

$ rails s now and visit localhost:3000. You should see the TODO list app with no tasks. If you try to add tasks, it wouldn't work because we haven't written any backend code yet.

I have written 10 tests / specs for you to follow along to build your API endpoint. Run $ rspec.


  1) show not raise an error
       expect {
       }.not_to raise_error

       expected no Exception, got #<ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Could not find table 'tasks'> with backtrace:


  Finished in 0.04859 seconds (files took 6.1 seconds to load)
  10 examples, 10 failures

You currently have 10 specs (examples), which are all failing. Since every time we run $ rspec, it will run all the specs, it will generate a lot of error messages if we have a lot of tests failing. So, instead of running all the tests every time, we can actually specify which tests to run.

For example, since we need to store tasks in the database, we should work with migrations and models first. If we want to run $ rspec for models only, we can run $ rspec spec/models.

You can imagine that $ rspec is the same as $ rspec spec which will run all the test in the /spec folder. By going to /spec/models, we are now running less tests.

$ rspec spec/models



  1) Task .new should not return an error
       expect {
       }.not_to raise_error

       expected no Exception, got #<NameError: uninitialized constant Task> with backtrace:


Finished in 0.02771 seconds (files took 6.4 seconds to load)
5 examples, 5 failures

So, there are 5 failures. Let's try to tackle the first one. The test specifies that it expects no error when I run, but that's not the case. Looking closely in the log, the error raised was #<NameError: uninitialized constant Task> which means that it cannot find Task. Why? Well, it's expecting the Task model, so we have to make one.

$ rails g model task

      invoke  active_record
   identical    db/migrate/20161215092914_create_tasks.rb
      create    app/models/task.rb
      invoke    rspec
   identical      spec/models/task_spec.rb
      invoke      factory_girl
   identical        spec/factories/tasks.rb

By default, rails generators will also generate the Rspec file. But, since the spec file already exists, it will prompt to ask if you want to overwrite the spec file.

conflict      spec/models/task_spec.rb
 Overwrite /Users/harrychen/dev/test/backendium_todolist_project/spec/models/task_spec.rb? (enter "h" for help) [Ynaqdh] n

Say no to overwrite by typing n and pressing enter.

Rails helped us generated 2 files we wanted. The migration file db/migrate/xxxx_create_tasks.rb and the model file app/models/task.rb

In db/migrate/xxxx_create_tasks.rb, we don't need to change anything yet:

class Tasks < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
  def change
    create_table :tasks do |t|

      t.timestamps null: false

In app/models/task.rb, we can leave it as it is for now:

class Task < ApplicationRecord

To make sure that our tasks table in the database takes effect. We have to run migration by doing $ rails db:migrate. Don't believe me? You can run $ rspec spec/models first to see what you get.

Remember? Defining the migration to modify the database schema is not enough. You have to execute / run the migrations.

By the way, $ rspec is your best friend when it comes to API backend development. When you have written good specs, its error messages will guide you through step-by-step on what needs to be done.

$ rails db:migrate

== 20161215092914 CreateTasks: migrating ======================================
-- create_table(:tasks)
   -> 0.0015s
== 20161215092914 CreateTasks: migrated (0.0017s) =============================

Okay, now that we have run the migrations, let's test it.

$ rspec spec/models


  1) Task attributes should include 'content'
       expect {
       }.not_to raise_error

       expected no Exception, got #<NoMethodError: undefined method `content' for #<Task id: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>> with backtrace:

Finished in 0.04048 seconds (files took 3.16 seconds to load)
5 examples, 4 failures

We've Passed First Test!.

You see .FFFF? . means a pass. F means failure.

Alright, now what's the next step? Well, our tasks table needs to have two different columns: content and completed. So, we need to create a new migration to, again, modify the database schema. If you run $ rspec spec/models, you see that my specs are expecting the same thing.

$ rspec spec/models



  1) Task attributes should include 'content'
       expect {
       }.not_to raise_error

       expected no Exception, got #<NoMethodError: undefined method `content' for #<Task id: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>> with backtrace:

  2) Task attributes should include 'completed'
       expect {
       }.not_to raise_error

       expected no Exception, got #<NoMethodError: undefined method `completed' for #<Task id: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>> with backtrace:

5 examples, 4 failures

So, migrations. Let's create a new migration file.

$ rails g migration AddAttributesToTasks

      invoke  active_record
      create    db/migrate/xxxx._add_attributes_to_tasks.rb

Why is it called AddAttributesToTasks? Because I named it to give me semantic meanings. You can name it however you want, but having semantic meaning is recommended.

In db/migrate/xxxx_add_attributes_to_tasks.rb, let's add content as a string and completed as a boolean to the tasks table. We set the default completed to be false because tasks are not completed to begin with.

class AddAttributesToTasks < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
  def change
    add_column :tasks, :content, :string
    add_column :tasks, :completed, :boolean, default: false

Run your migration.

rails db:migrate

== 20161215094136 AddAttributesToTasks: migrating =============================
-- add_column(:tasks, :content, :string)
   -> 0.0059s
-- add_column(:tasks, :completed, :boolean, {:default=>false})
   -> 0.0036s
== 20161215094136 AddAttributesToTasks: migrated (0.0097s) ====================

Now, test it again.

$ rspec spec/models



  1) Task .create requires the presence of 'content'
       expect {
         Task.create!(content: nil)
       }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)

       expected ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid but nothing was raised

  2) Task .create 'content' should have max 200 chars
       expect {
         Task.create!(content: 'a' * 201)
       }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)

       expected ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid but nothing was raised

5 examples, 2 failures

2 more tests passed!

So, how do we pass the last 2 tests for the Task model? What's the requirement. Well, here it says Task .create requires the presence of 'content' and Task .create 'content' should have max 200 chars.

We need to define some validations for the Task model.

  1. content must be present
  2. content must not exceed 200 characters

In app/models/task.rb, we define these validations:

class Task < ApplicationRecord
  validates :content, length: { maximum: 200 }, presence: true

$ rspec spec/models should now all pass!

$ rspec spec/models

5 examples, 0 failures

Awesome! So, we have successfully finish building the Task model. We can now store tasks records in the database. The M in the MVC is done. Let's move on to the V and C.

We expect to have 5 endpoints. Let's run $ rspec to see the requirements.

$ rspec



  1) TasksController GET /tasks renders all tasks in JSON
     Failure/Error: get :index

       No route matches {:action=>"index", :controller=>"tasks"}

The first endpoint GET /tasks is missing. This endpoint is used to retrieve all the tasks in our database.

To define an endpoint, remember we always follow this flow:

  1. define endpoint in routes to receive requests
  2. create the controller (if it doesn't exist) and the methods
  3. use the method to process the request
  4. interact with the database if needed
  5. give back a response

So, we define the route.

In config/routes.rb,

Rails.application.routes.draw do

  get 'tasks' => 'tasks#index'


Test it.

$ rspec



  1) TasksController GET /tasks renders all tasks in JSON
     Failure/Error: get :index

       The action 'index' could not be found for TasksController

We need to add the method. Inside the method, we are retrieving all tasks records with Task.all in an array. We store it in an instance variable @tasks with the @ because we want the views to be able to access this variable. We render the response with the help of jbuilder. render 'tasks/index' points the file app/views/tasks/index.jbuilder.

In app/controllers/tasks_controller.rb,

class TasksController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @tasks = Task.all
    render 'tasks/index' # can be omitted

In app/views/tasks/index.jbuilder (you need to create this file first since it doesn't exist automatically). @tasks is an array, we need to loop through it to output all the tasks. json.array! helps use to do the iterations. For each iterations, we are constructing the object with id, content, completed and created_at.

json.tasks do
  json.array! @tasks do |task|
    json.content    task.content
    json.completed  task.completed
    json.created_at task.created_at

The resulting JSON should look like the following

  "tasks": [
      "id": 1,
      "content": "Content #1",
      "completed": false,
      "created_at": "2017-01-01..."
    }, {
      "id": 2,
      "content": "Content #2",
      "completed": false,
      "created_at": "2017-01-01..."

Now, you can run $ rspec again, and the previous test should pass. We are now down to 4 failures to resolve.

$ rspec



  1) TasksController POST /tasks renders newly created task in JSON
       post :create, params: {
         task: {
           content: 'New Task'

       No route matches {:action=>"create", :controller=>"tasks", :task=>{:content=>"New Task"}}

The endpoint POST /tasks is missing. This endpoint is used to create a new task in our database. The endpoint will expect a body like the following:

  "task": {
    "content": "Task Content"

So, let's define the route.

In config/routes.rb,

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  # ...

  post 'tasks' => 'tasks#create'

  # ...

And...define the create method.

In app/controllers/tasks_controller.rb,

class TasksController < ApplicationController
  def index
    # ...

  def create
    @task =

      render 'tasks/create' # can be omitted


    def task_params

Let's talk about task_params. It's the Rails way of doing things. task_params specifies that the request parameters need to have a task object which contains the key content. In Rails, we write it like this params.require(:task).permit(:content).

@task = creates a new task object.

.new is different from .create. You have to .save the new object when you are using .new

Once the @task is created, we must save it to store it the database with will return true if successful, and vice versa.

So we use if to say that if is successful, render the jbuilder file render 'tasks/create'.

In app/views/tasks/create.jbuilder (you need to create this file first),

json.task do
  json.content    @task.content
  json.completed  @task.completed
  json.created_at @task.created_at

Run $ rspec again. Awesome.

Go to localhost:3000 (remember to start your server). You should now be able to add tasks. If you refresh the page after adding multiple tasks, these tasks should persist (stay there) since they are already in the database.

Likewise, we have to define the endpoint DELETE /tasks/:id to destroy / delete a task in our database. The endpoint will expect a id to identify which task to destroy.

In config/routes.rb,

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  # ...

  delete 'tasks/:id' => 'tasks#destroy'

  # ...

In app/controllers/tasks_controller.rb,

class TasksController < ApplicationController
  def index
    # ...

  def create
    # ...

  def destroy
    @task = Task.find_by(id: params[:id])

    if @task and @task.destroy
      render json: { success: true }
      render json: { success: false }


    # ...
  • params[:id] grabs the id. For example, if the request is DELETE /tasks/101, params[:id] would equal to "101".
  • Task.find_by(id: params[:id]) looks for the task with the id
  • if @task and @task.destroy means that 1) if you can find the task in the database, and 2) if you can destroy it
  • return a json of { success: true } if everything is successful

Run rspec. Another test passed. Go to localhost:3000. You should now be able to DELETE a task!

Alright. Two more endpoints, then we are done. We need the PUT /tasks/:id/mark_complete endpoint to mark a task identified by the given id as completed.

Try it yourself before seeing the answer.

In config/routes.rb,

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  # ...

  put '/tasks/:id/mark_complete' => 'tasks#mark_complete'

  # ...

In app/controllers/tasks_controller.rb,

class TasksController < ApplicationController
  def index
    # ...

  def create
    # ...

  def destroy
    # ...

  def mark_complete
    @task = Task.find_by(id: params[:id])

    if @task and @task.update(completed: true)
      render 'tasks/mark_complete'


    # ...

In app/views/tasks/mark_complete.jbuilder,

json.task do
  json.content    @task.content
  json.completed  @task.completed
  json.created_at @task.created_at
  json.updated_at @task.updated_at

Run Rspec & Test.

And lastly, we need the PUT /tasks/:id/mark_active endpoint to mark a task identified by the given id as NOT completed (basically doing the opposite as the previous endpoint).

Try it yourself before seeing the answer.

In config/routes.rb,

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  # ...

  put '/tasks/:id/mark_active'   => 'tasks#mark_active'

  # ...

In app/controllers/tasks_controller.rb,

class TasksController < ApplicationController
  def index
    # ...

  def create
    # ...

  def destroy
    # ...

  def mark_complete
    @task = Task.find_by(id: params[:id])

    if @task and @task.update(completed: true)
      render 'tasks/update'

  def mark_active
    @task = Task.find_by(id: params[:id])

    if @task and @task.update(completed: false)
      render 'tasks/update'


    # ...

Here, you can see that the difference between mark_active and mark_complete is where you updated the completed as false instead of true. Everything else is the same. We also renamed app/views/tasks/mark_complete.jbuilder to app/views/tasks/update.jbuilder. Why? Because the two methods can share the same jbuilder view. We don't want redundant code. Remember DRY, Don't Repeat Yourself?

Now run $ rspec

$ rspec


10 examples, 0 failures


Now, check localhost:3000. All functions should work now!

results matching ""

    No results matching ""