1. Draw and Explain the MVC Model
    • using diagrams and English words on a piece of paper
    • Give examples: You should use the new Rails app that you will be creating as an example
  2. Create a brand new Rails app
    • We are going to call it rails_app_quiz
    • Create a new development and test database called rails_quiz_dev and rails_quiz_test in PostgreSQL database
    • Link the database to your Rails app
    • Create a table called jobs with the following columns
      • url (string)
      • employer_name (string)
      • employer_description (string)
      • job_title (string)
      • job_description (string)
      • year_of_experience (integer)
      • education_requirement (string)
      • industry (string)
      • base_salary (integer)
      • employment_type_id (integer)
    • Create 3 API endpoints for jobs
      • Create
      • Show
      • Index
    • Create a repository
    • Push code to Github
    • Deploy to Heroku

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