
Each week you are given a set of assignments to complete. You have control of which day to do the assignments, as long as you finish them by Sunday evening of that week. For the Ruby Koans assessments, you will be doing them locally on your computer.

Starting from week 3, you will receive scripting assessments. We have prepared an online coding environment ( for you to submit them. You will receive an email invitation to join this platform. And you will find each week's scripting assessment published during the start of the week. Please complete and submit the scripting assessments on the platform.

Week 1:

  • Ruby Koans
    • about_asserts
    • about_strings
    • about_symbols
    • about_true_and_false
    • about_methods

Week 2:

Please upload your Ruby Koans folder to your Dropbox folder:

  • Ruby Koans
    • about_control_statements
    • about_arrays
    • about_array_assignment
    • about_iteration
    • about_hashes
    • about_objects
    • about_nil
    • about_keyword_arguments
    • about_scoring_project
    • about_classes
    • about_inheritance
    • about_modules
    • about_dice_project

Week 3:

Please login to to submit your answers to the assignments:

Week 4:

Please login to to submit your answers to the assignments:

Please upload the following basic Rails app to your Dropbox folder:

Week 5:

Week 6:

Week 7:

Week 8:

Week 9:

Week 10:

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    No results matching ""