Sign Up for Third Party Serivces

Remember to use secure and unique passwords. You can read about password management here.


Sign up on Github. Github is THE collaboration place for programmers. Most modern programmers use Github on a daily basis. You can upload and download code to and from Github with a set of rigorous processes for collaborations.


Sign up on Heroku. Download the Heroku CLI Toolbelt. After installing, login to your Heroku account on CLI:

$ heroku login

Enter your Heroku credentials.
Email: <email used for heroku sign up>
Password (typing will be hidden):
Authentication successful.

Heroku is a hosting service to host your applications. It's the modern server that requires minimal setups. It helps you bring your applications alive and immediately usable by others throughout the internet.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Sign up on AWS

Amazon Web Services is a suite of tools to help host your application online. Unlike Heroku, it requires you to configure all services, which is sometimes desirable when you want full control over your servers.

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