Backendium - Back-end Web Development

by Hack Pacific

From 0 to 60... in 10 weeks!

Welcome to Backendium. Backendium is a 10-week online course on Back-end Web Development. Both modern web and mobile apps require an back-end API (Application Programming Interface). The purpose of this course is to teach you how to build an API for web and mobile apps.

By now, you should have read What is Front-end Development (in plain English) and What is Back-end Development (in plain English).

Backendium is designed to give you a thorough introduction to backend web development, including programming basics in Ruby, Rails, databases, version control, testing and deployment — sufficient to launch you into a career as a web developer or technology entrepreneur.

If you already know web development, this course will teach you the core of the Rails framework, including MVC and REST, generators, migrations and routing.

By the end of this course, you can build a simple to moderately difficult API for any modern applications. You will also be in a position to benefit from other advanced learning materials, blogs and screencasts online.

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